Getting Into The Red Zone!

After all of this time, I am finally getting to where I can see the end of the Dodge Wagon project in sight. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

The past few weeks have seen some major milestones finally met! Namely I have been able to get the engine running and it, the transmission, rear end, power steering and the cooling system are all working as expected. I am hoping that within the next two weeks to have it ready to take down to the valley to have it upholstered.

I would like to apologize to all of my friends and family that I have been ignoring over the past few months while I have been pushing to get my project done. I especially want to thank the Over The Hill Gang – Phoenix for indulging my poor performance as the club’s photographer and webmaster. If all goes as it should Michelle and I are planning on taking some time to spend with friends and to do some traveling this year before diving into the ’40 Ford project.

Thanks again to everyone for thier kind wishes and support! It is greatly appreciated!


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