Removal of Old Firewall

Time to finish up the last of the body work and move on to paint work! YES! The Last Two Rust Spots Sometime ago I noticed these rusted areas, and everytime I was repairing rust spots, I kept forgetting these … Continue reading
So now the real body work begins… First order of business is to get the doors even with the rest of the body, then adjust the door gaps so that we have an even reveal around the door, then work … Continue reading
Now seemed like a great time to fill all the holes in the firewall before I did a lot more work on the front end. After removing the stock heater/defroster and fresh air equipment, I was left with some sizeable … Continue reading
Time to finish the rest of the rust repair on the body. Same basic proceedure as before. However I did try a some new technology, new to me that is, that was recommended by a good friend of mine who … Continue reading
After installing the Durango seats in the wagon, I was left with a bunch of 3/8″ holes in the floor where the stock Dodge seats and seat belts were mounted that needed to be filled. On one of my trips … Continue reading
On one of my trips to the valley, I stopped by the Matrix paint store to buy some epoxy and high build 2K primer. The store had a gallon kit of epoxy on sale for around $90 which was a … Continue reading
This was one of those things that could have gone better. Up in Taylor, there was a business that specialized in media blasting and powder coating aluminum panels for helicopters. Early on, I had talked with the owner and reviewed … Continue reading
Now we can get down to some fun work. In all of the cases below the procedure was the same for fabricating each patch panel: Identify the extent of the damage Remove damaged area using straight cuts if possible Make … Continue reading
After taking a better look at the rust damage, especially on the passenger side, I decided that I would have to make a number of patch panels to be able to end up with a decent repair. To help with … Continue reading